Parmonic Video Marketing Blog

Cut the Fluff: Instantly Remove Filler Words from Your Videos

Written by Parmonic | Jul 3, 2024 5:44:17 PM

Creating a great webinar isn't easy. You have to nail down the perfect topic, line up the right speakers, and make sure your recording tech is spot on. But imagine you've done all that, only to watch the recording and notice speakers using tons of filler words.

Some of the most commonly used filler words in webinars include the classics like "um," "uh," "like," "so," "you know," "basically," "well," "alright/okay," "I mean," and "actually." They sneak into videos like uninvited guests at a party - hard to ignore and always overstaying their welcome!

What's wrong with having filler words in a video?

Whether it's out of habit or just as placeholders, those filler words can really tank your video's retention rates, meaning fewer views. They mess with the flow of your message and can make speakers sound unsure and unprepared, which hurts their credibility. And in B2B webinars, where your audience is likely prospects or current customers, you don't want that.

Taking out these filler words manually requires serious attention to detail and can eat up a lot of time, especially on longer videos or ones where they're used a lot. And we know - marketing teams, video editors, and content crews are always pressed for time. Tasks like these can delay the video publishing schedule and shake up the entire content calendar.

One-Click Filler Word Remover

Parmonic's latest update is an enhanced version of our original 'filler removal' feature and it represents a major leap forward.

Building on the success of the original version that was released a few years ago, v2 uses advanced research and data-driven improvements to detect and eliminate filler words from your videos with even greater precision. 

We've tuned our algorithm so that more filler words are removed at higher precision. Additionally, we've added controls so users can override AI decisions when they want to include some filler words.

The result?

Your videos are sharper and your speakers sound even better and polished.

These ready-to-publish videos can be seamlessly integrated into your social platforms, website, emails, and blogs, or shared directly with your SDRs, or added to your preferred sales-enablement platforms.

Increase views, not grunt work. 

Exceed engagement goals, not timelines. 😉