Parmonic Video Marketing Blog

From webinar to blog with AI

Written by Piyush Saggi | Sep 7, 2023 1:27:08 PM

Webinars are rich in insights. Blogs are an integral part of almost every content marketing strategy. AI can help you turn webinars into blogs. But there's more to it based on your use case and expectations.

Turning webinars -> blogs has several merits:

  • Some audiences prefer to read. You can give them content in the format of their choice.
  • SEO - SEO is hard. While search engines index correctly-formatted videos (like Parmonic's) you can get additional coverage by publishing blogs.
  • Creating content from scratch is tedious. Tap into "nutrient-rich" webinars and get a head start.

If you are convinced on the value of turning webinars -> blogs, you can use Parmonic's Blog module. We've worked with many marketers to understand different use cases on how AI can (or can't) help, and which tools are best for the job.

Use Case 1 = Turn my webinar into a blog-like summary.

Parmonic is the right (and likely) best tool for this. Our approach uses Derivative AI to create a recap and a blog post. It first creates a transcript and then based on our engine's identification of key moments, it creates a blog-like version by rephrasing the transcript. You have the option of making minor tweaks before you publish on your blog. 

You can expect a very high-quality draft.

Use Case 2 = Turn my webinar into a blog based on a specific structure 

If your goal is to create a blog that follows a structure (e.g. a specific number of sections, bullet points, etc.) our Blog module can be fine-tuned by parsing your past blogs. In some cases, the tuning is straightforward, and in other cases it requires some iterations.

If your past posts have a consistent structure, and your webinar content roughly fits that structure, then you can expect fairly-good quality draft. If you want to do heavy-duty restructuring of the content, expect to do more editing of the AI output.

Use Case 3 = I want to write a blog post that includes some content from a webinar and some content from the Internet

If your focus is on a particular topic and you want to create a blog that mixes content from your webinar with other content then we suggest using other tools to formulate your outline and use Parmonic to extract specific moments (quotes, thoughts, videos) to insert into your blog. Generative AI tools (like ChatGPT, Jasper, etc.) are better suited for use cases where you want to go wide and incorporate elements from the Internet. Derivative AI (like Parmonic) is engineered to focus on creating derivative content without bringing in additional stuff from other sources.

Can AI write a blog post as good as a human writer?

Our observation indicates that AI performs like a senior writer for the first use case, and a junior writer for other use cases. In both cases, a publisher should review the content. Expect to spend a lot more time editing a junior writer's work compared to that of a senior writer.

AI can already write content as good as B-grade content writers. 

A lot depends on your use case and expectations. 

Our experience of creating blogs for our own marketing indicates that to create topic-based blogs with new insights, generative AI is OK as a helper but produces commodity output. The picture below shows what ChatGPT started writing when I prompted it to write a blog on the topic of 'What kind of blogs is Generative AI suitable for?".

Conclusion: AI is very good (and getting better) at use cases that involve derivative content. If that's your goal, it's time to embrace AI to accelerate content creation. AI still has a long distance to go if you need truly insightful, unique, and emotionally-compelling content. Expect to do more heavy-lifting in that case.

Writing great content requires two important ingredients - subject-matter expertise + mastery over language. Mastery over language doesn't just mean being a fluent speaker. It's about employing persuasive words that compel and move people, it's about employing rhetorical devices and connecting with the soul - and that's where (some) humans are still far ahead.

Most (99.8%) marketers are trying to better understand where AI can truly make a difference, and where it can't. We are committed to delivering a meaningful, responsible solution that performs beyond hype to our customers.

Note: this post was written 100% by a human. (Commodity-grade) AI writing tools are not able to match our high standards when unique insights are needed.