Parmonic Video Marketing Blog

How to Choose the Right AI Video Editing Tool for Your B2B Content Strategy

Written by Parmonic | Feb 1, 2024 3:07:17 PM

It's 2024 and video has become integral to a successful B2B marketing strategy. Video editing tools empowered by AI have revolutionized the way businesses create and optimize their videos. Infact, the use of AI in video editing is more than just a trend; it's a strategic move.

AI video editing tools offer advanced features such as automated editing, intelligent scene (object and facial) recognition, automated color correction, audio enhancement, and many other personalized recommendations. However, with the ever-increasing number of options available in the market, selecting the right AI video editing tool for your B2B content strategy has become daunting. To help you make an informed decision, we have put together a step-by-step guide on the decision-making process. 

  1. Assess Your Current Needs And Align Them To The Company's Goals
  2. Research Available Tools and Providers
  3. Evaluate Compatibility and Integration
  4. Consider Scalability and Growth Potential
  5. Facilitate Team Productivity
  6. Safeguard B2B Assets with Security and Compliance
  7. Check Customer Support and Training Resources
  8. Consider Costs and Return on Investment


1. Assess Your Current Needs And Align Them To The Company's Goals

Before signing up for free trials and demos, it is crucial to evaluate your current needs and goals. Consider the type of content you produce, your target audience, the capability of internal resources to handle the tool, and the specific objectives you aim to achieve through your videos. This initial assessment will provide a clear understanding of the features and capabilities you require in an AI video editing tool. For example, do you want to generate video transcripts with AI, combine different clips into one using smooth transitions, create captions in multiple languages, or clean your audio and remove distracting background noises?

Clearly defining these objectives from the get-go sets the stage for a tool that not only enhances video editing but also contributes to broader marketing objectives.


  • Identify key marketing strategies: Evaluate your overall B2B marketing strategies and pinpoint the core areas where AI video editing can provide maximum impact.
  • Define KPIs: Align the AI video editing goals with specific key performance indicators (KPIs). This ensures that the tool contributes directly to measurable outcomes in your marketing efforts.
  • Automate repetitive tasks: Gauge the potential for automating repetitive tasks in line with your marketing objectives. e.g., customization abilities, saving time and resources by automating repetitive tasks

2. Research Available Tools and Providers

Once you have established your requirements, begin researching the available AI video editing tools and providers in the market. Look for reputable companies that specialize in B2B video editing solutions.

Consider factors such as their

  • Industry experience - do they serve companies like you?
  • Depth and maturity - have they been solving the problem for a while or did they just open shop?
  • Customer testimonials on their website
  • The technologies they utilize - do they have any proprietary technology?
  • Their website - does it tell you they are a trustworthy brand that will be around?

3. Evaluate Compatibility and Integration

Compatibility with your existing systems is a critical factor to consider during the selection process. This ensures a smooth transition and avoids unnecessary disruptions to your B2B content strategy.


  • Determine whether the AI video editing tool integrates with your current content production workflows
  • Confirm integration capabilities with your CMS and marketing automation platforms
  • Assess alignment with other collaboration tools prevalent in your B2B marketing tech stack

4. Consider Scalability and Growth Potential

As your B2B content strategy expands, scalability becomes essential. Ensure that the AI video editing tool you choose can accommodate your growing video production needs.

Look for features like

  • Cloud-based storage
  • Collaborative editing capabilities
  • Ability to handle large-scale projects efficiently
  • Consider the provider's roadmap
  • Their plans for future enhancements and updates

5. Facilitate Team Productivity

Opt for an AI video editing tool with a user-friendly interface that facilitates quick adoption and collaboration among team members.


  • Intuitive UI: Evaluate the intuitiveness of the user interface (navigation, layout, easy-to-use UI) for swift adoption
  • Collaborative: Consider features that enhance team collaboration, streamlining efforts. E.g., Collaborative editing, version control, asset sharing
  • Training Resources: Check the availability of comprehensive training resources (documents, tutorials, onboarding) provided by the tool's vendor

6. Safeguard B2B Assets with Security and Compliance

Trust is paramount when signing with a vendor. Ensure the AI video editing tool aligns with industry regulations, protects your company's sensitive assets, and maintains compliance throughout the buyer's journey.


  • Verify compliance with data protection regulations inherent to the B2B landscape
  • Assess the robustness of security measures to safeguard the video content
  • Seek certifications that instill confidence in adherence to industry standards

Did you know - Parmonic received a patent in December 2023, an acknowledgment from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) of the innovative work in video AI?

7. Check Customer Support and Training Resources

You don't want to end up with a fancy AI Video tool without understanding how to use it or having questions that are left unanswered because customer support is not available during your working hours. Having reliable customer support and access to training resources is crucial when implementing a new AI video editing tool. Look for providers that offer comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and responsive customer support channels. This ensures you can quickly resolve any issues and maximize the tool's potential.

8. Consider Costs and Return on Investment

Finally, consider the costs associated with acquiring and implementing the AI video editing tool. Evaluate the pricing structure of the tool, including any subscription fees, licensing models, or additional charges for premium features. Balance this against your annual marketing budget, expected return on investment (ROI) in terms of time saved, increased productivity, and improved video quality.

Remember, selecting an AI video editing tool is just one piece of the puzzle. To ensure overall success, integrate it well into your video marketing strategy, use it extensively, and continuously monitor its performance while making necessary adjustments along the way.