Safe Systems Case Study

Leading Compliance-Centric IT Services Provider Brings New Ideas to Life Successfully


Parmonic's client, Safe Systems®, boasts a rich legacy as a compliance-centric IT services provider to financial institutions, with over three decades of industry experience.


Underutilized Content: Armed with a full library of high-quality content that was not being fully utilized, this small marketing team was searching for a tool to help them repurpose long-form webinars and video content into smaller pieces that could be targeted to specific audiences.

Manual Editing Process: The time-consuming task of manually editing and enhancing videos was taking away from other priorities. In addition, the technical software expertise was only held by one team member, causing a bottleneck in content creation.


The Parmonic toolset provided the Safe Systems marketing team with an AI component that quickly highlights and organizes a large and complex video transcript into relevant key points, resulting in highly consumable content that can be quickly distributed and promises to increase engagement.

Impact of Parmonic: Empowering Small-Sized Marketing Teams to Achieve Big Results

Parmonic’s affordability was another significant advantage for Safe Systems. The credit-based pricing model enabled them to implement and prove the strategy at a low entry cost instead of making an expensive commitment up front.


Parmonic’s easy-to-use platform offers access to an entire team, regardless of the diverse skills and responsibilities. Even team members without a video editing background can seamlessly contribute and quickly make necessary edits. This flexibility ensures a consistent and polished output, regardless of who is available to work on it.

Safe Systems can swiftly and easily transform a single webinar into multiple unique video assets, customized for their specific target audience. Parmonic's ability to break down large videos into bite-sized video moments has transformed how marketing teams handle recorded webinars.


Parmonic has not only made a positive impact on the way Safe Systems repurposes content, but also offers an interactive and customized experience for their users.

With Parmonic as their ally, the team is equipped to overcome resource limitations, realize their ambitions, and effectively connect with their target audience.