It's Not Just Us Making Content Munchable...
Munchable videos are taking over the way we consume media content and it's not just us who are on board. Take a look at these great examples of B2C and media brands who have gone the way of the short, consumable video.
Bloomberg has their Quick Takes series which are short, bite-sized news segments or story segments. The videos usually range from about 3 to 7 minutes, which we think is the perfect munchable.

Next up, we have Robinhood, who actually calls their short videos "Snacks", takes the idea of digestible media in the form of a newsletter and they also have a podcast!

Great Big Story just recently closed its doors, but that doesn't mean that its bite-sized content can't live on forever. They feature amazing stories about people all around the world and are very inspiring to watch.

Harvard Business Review also makes use of what we like to call "munchables" in formatting stories to be between 2 and 10 minutes.

BBC now features their ever-popular news segments in a munchable format, allowing for tons of information to be squeezed into one video for staying up to date on the latest in global news.

Vox also provides a vast array of content spanning from politics to pop culture so anyone looking for some fun or engaging content will love their version of "munchables."

The Knowledge Project is a popular podcast by Shane Parrish focusing on how to help "you think, reflect, and better understand the complexities and interconnections in the world in which we live." They've taken some of their best recordings and shortened them (Does that sound familiar?) so you can get the best pieces of the podcast.

The Wall Street Journal has their own section specifically for videos and while they don't call them anything specific, we would certainly put this in the "munchable" category, as all of these are no longer than 10 minutes.

The Times has their three-minute digest every Sunday wrapping up the biggest news stories of the week in the UK and while it's not a video format, it's still a great way to condense your information for easy, digestible reading.

CEO coach and blogger Dave Bailey has adopted his own version of "munchables" that he calls chunks to help you, the reader, better digest content.

Even podcasts are now being created in munchable format!